Earlier, Anirudh Roy Chowdhury made two more Hindi films. The two films are 'Pink (2016)' and 'Lost (2022)'. Among them, Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu starrer 'Pink' won India's National Award for Best Film on Social Issues. His directorial 'Anuranan' won the National Award for Best Bengali Movie in 2008. Apart from this, 'Antheen' won the best film award at the National Award. Aniruddha Roychowdhury has three other Bengali films: 'Ekta Tarar Chhoje (2010)', 'Aparajita Tumi (2012)' and 'Buno Haans (2014)'.
On the other hand, Pankaj Tripathi, Jaya's co-star in the film, gained fame by playing the role of 'Sultan' in the movie 'Gangs of Wasseypur'. Pankaj Tripathi informed about the film by sharing multiple stills of Jaya Ahsan and other actors and crew on his verified Facebook.
The Indian actor's other notable films include 'Maasan (2015)', 'Newton (2017)', 'Stree (2018)', 'Ludo (2020)' and 'Mimi (2021)'. He also received a special recognition at the National Award for his performance in 'Newton'. His performance in the web series 'Mirzapur' has been appreciated. The film also has 'Dil Bechara' (2020) Sanjana Sangeet as a co-star.
The movie is being made on the story of father-daughter relationship. It will show the touching story of a family coming together in the face of crisis. It was written by Ritesh Shah, Biraf Sarkari and Aniruddha Roychowdhury. Filming is done by Abhik Mukherjee. Music directed by Shantanu Maitra. Edited by Arghyakamal Mitra. The film also stars Parvathy Thiruvothu, Dilip Shankar, Paresh, Varun Buddhadev and others. The film is co-produced by Shyam Sundar and Indrani Mukherjee.
The shooting of the film has started from last Tuesday in Mumbai. The shooting of the film will continue for several days. After that the shooting will be in Kolkata. But we have to wait till next year to know how Jaya will be seen in Bollywood films. It is known that the film will be released in OTT in 2023.
- Apart from Bangladesh, Jaya Ahsan has been acting in Bengali movies of West Bengal for a decade. The actress, who started with 'Awart', has a strong foothold there. Jaya Ahsan is going to start a new innings of her career by acting in Hindi language films.