Often people enjoy eating Bottle gourd as a vegetable, but did you know that Bottle gourd has countless medicinal properties, which is why Bottle gourd is used as a treatment in Ayurveda. Its consumption improves metabolism and strengthens the digestive system. Eating Bottle gourd increases appetite. And eating it does not cause constipation and stomach problems.

Benefits of Drinking Bottle Gourd Juice?


1. Bottle gourd juice is very beneficial for heart health. Drinking Bottle gourd juice regularly keeps blood pressure in check, which reduces the risk of heart disease. You can also eat the vegetable of gourd.

2. Women often have to face the problem of white water coming from the vagina.  Excessive discharge of white water also causes weakness. To get rid of this, it is considered good to consume bottle gourd.  Mixing equal quantity of sugar and honey in Bottle gourd powder eating it, gets rid of the problem of white water.

3. The properties of calcium, magnesium and zinc are found in bottle gourd. Which helps in making bones strong. Bottle gourd is very beneficial for bones. Drinking bottle gourd juice leaves strengthens bones.

4. Vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin K, iron, potassium etc. are present in Bottle gourd. Which are very useful for the body. Gourd is high in choline and acts as a neurotransmitter. Due to which the brain cells remain balanced. Because of this, you get relief from the problem of stress and depression.

5. Bottle gourd juice is low in calories and fat, which makes it an effective drink for weight loss. In addition, it is rich in fiber, which makes you feel full for a longer period of time and curbs hunger. It also contains important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin K, vitamin A, iron, potassium and manganese.

6. Due to change in diet, human hair starts turning gray before ageing. If you are in such a problem then drink a glass of Bottle gourd juice daily, hair can become thick and black. Bottle gourd juice works as a panacea for white hair.

7. People with high blood pressure can also include bottle gourd juice in their diet.  Potassium is found in gourd , which is effective in controlling blood pressure. If you drink Bottle gourd juice on an empty stomach, it improves digestion. Relieves constipation and gas.

8. Bottle gourd is rich in iron. In such a situation, it is very effective for hemoglobin deficiency and weak people. This increases the amount of hemoglobin. Fiber is also found in bottle gourd. This makes it easy to digest and keeps the stomach clean.

9. If there is not enough water in the body, for example due to excessive sweating, diarrhea or feeling tired, there is a way to get rid of it. Consume a glass of Bottle gourd juice. It acts as a life saver in case of diarrhea.

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