How To Remove Stretch Marks Permanently
Stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy are a major cause of trouble for every pregnant woman Usually women look for ways to reduce stretch marks after delivery, but by then it is too late and stretch marks may subside. It becomes difficult to do.
The right time to reduce stretch marks is during pregnancy, that is, from the first week of pregnancy, you have to take care of some things so that the stretch marks are less. So we have to cure stretch marks during pregnancy.
Why do stretch marks happen? Is there any way to prevent this? And if they are, how can they be removed? All these questions are in the mind of every pregnant woman. So today we are going to give you all kinds of information about stretch marks in this article. I hope you'll be benefited by this.
What is Stretch Marks?
Often after the trimester of pregnancy, light lines start appearing on the abdomen. These lines can be short and deep as well as big and pink. We call it stretch marks and these stretch marks usually occur in pregnancy.
As we and our baby gain weight, the stomach begins to stretch and due to this stretch, the elastic fibers under our skin get torn and after the elastic fibers burst, the skin becomes very thin and scars appear on it. If so, it is a stretch mark.
Due to stretch marks. Why do stretch marks happen?
Stretch marks are usually caused by changes in hormones during pregnancy, so hormones remain a very important reason for the emergence of stretch marks.
When we are overweight before pregnancy and we are not used to exercising before pregnancy, the elasticity of our skin remains low and stretch marks appear very quickly and become very large during pregnancy.
Our diet also plays a very important role in this, if our diet is not nutritious then our skin texture is slightly different and this also increases the chances of getting stretch marks in pregnancy.
Is it possible to prevent stretch marks?
There are very expensive medicines available in the market which claim that its use will not cause stretch marks in pregnancy. But there is no such cream in the world that can prevent 100% stretch marks, so the use of such an expensive gel cream is not necessary at all.
Ways to scale back the looks of stretch marks?
Right now there must be a doubt in your mind that there is no cream to prevent stretch marks in the market, so how can we prevent stretch marks?
1. Moisturizer
So we just have to see that the moisture of our body or our skin remains intact. We can use any moisturizer to retain that moisture.
To retain this moisture we can also use oil like we can use coconut oil, we can use shea butter, we can use butter. Sometimes we can use olive oil, sometimes we can also use almond oil, we can also use gels or creams containing vitamin E and aloe vera.
But we have to apply this moisturizer or oil in good quantity on our stomach and our breasts. You should start using it before the stretch marks start i.e. in the first stage of pregnancy itself. Usually we can apply it twice a day and this is the right time to use it, after bath when our body is a little soft and a little wet then you should use this moisturizer. Moisturizer has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, it helps in retaining moisture on your skin.
2. Hydration
The second important thing is your hydration, for this you have to drink a lot of water or drink fluids like you can drink coconut water, you can take electoral powder. You can take fresh fruit juice etc. So you have to keep consuming fluids throughout the day.
You do not have to drink this water or liquid in one go, but drink it in small amounts throughout the day. Drinking water reduces the toxins of our body and the skin becomes a little thick, as well as the elasticity of the skin is also good, due to which the growth of stretch marks slows down a bit.
3. Avoid Caffeine
The third important thing is that we have to reduce the amount of caffeine in our diet, our hydration during pregnancy should be very good, during pregnancy our body needs more water and our body's hydration is less due to the consumption of caffeine. Is. Caffeine causes dehydration in our body.
Therefore, we should reduce the consumption of coffee, tea, aerated cold drinks, soda very little so that the hydration of our body is good.
4. Include skin nourishing foods in your diet
The fourth important thing is that the diet that nourishes the skin should be taken in good quantity.
What is a skin nourishing diet?
We can also take dry fruits in which we get all the nutrients like Vitamin E, Vitamin C and it helps in maintaining good elasticity of our screen.
And we can also take vitamin E supplement during pregnancy. Vitamin E helps a lot in keeping the muscles living in our skin strong, which keeps our skin cells good.
5. Exercise
Regular exercise or yoga should be done during pregnancy. We have to do this regular exercise from the beginning, due to exercise, the blood flow of the skin becomes good, due to which the ability of the skin to stretch remains. Exercise helps us to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
6. Do not scratch the skinDuring pregnancy
there is a lot of stretching of the skin and there is an urge to itch in the skin, but during pregnancy you can feel it on the abdomen and breast Your scratch will deepen the wound, and the scar may be larger. That's why you should keep your skin moisturized and not scratch at all.
You can also use dry brushing to maintain circulation to your abdominal skin This dry brush should be soft, made of natural fibers and 3 to 4 minutes of dry brushing with long long strokes stimulates our skin and it is very important to maintain the circulation of our skin. Due to which the formation of our stretch marks decreases.
7. Weight gain during pregnancy should be very gradual
Most importantly, you should gain weight very slowly during pregnancy. When we gain weight very fast, no cream or any technique can save us from stretch marks, rapid weight gain or very rapid weight loss in pregnancy can be a big reason for stretch marks.
That's why we should keep in mind that during pregnancy our weight increases gradually. Also, you have to avoid gaining weight immediately after delivery, rapid weight loss can worsen the skin texture and increase the chances of stretch marks.
Even after doing all this, there will be no guarantee that there will be no stretch marks, so for this you will have to watch till the delivery. You can also consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist after delivery to reduce stretch marks By treating them, you can reduce the stretch marks after delivery.
If you have any doubt regarding this topic then definitely write in the comment box, we will definitely try to answer your questions.