Sunday, April 30, 2023

How To Remove Stretch Marks Permanently


How To Remove Stretch Marks Permanently

Stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy are a major cause of trouble for every pregnant woman Usually women look for ways to reduce stretch marks after delivery, but by then it is too late and stretch marks may subside. It becomes difficult to do.


The right time to reduce stretch marks is during pregnancy, that is, from the first week of pregnancy, you have to take care of some things so that the stretch marks are less. So we have to cure stretch marks during pregnancy.

Why do stretch marks happen? Is there any way to prevent this? And if they are, how can they be removed? All these questions are in the mind of every pregnant woman. So today we are going to give you all kinds of information about stretch marks in this article. I hope you'll be benefited by this.

What is Stretch Marks?

Often after the trimester of pregnancy, light lines start appearing on the abdomen. These lines can be short and deep as well as big and pink. We call it stretch marks and these stretch marks usually occur in pregnancy.

As we and our baby gain weight, the stomach begins to stretch and due to this stretch, the elastic fibers under our skin get torn and after the elastic fibers burst, the skin becomes very thin and scars appear on it. If so, it is a stretch mark.

Due to stretch marks. Why do stretch marks happen?

Stretch marks are usually caused by changes in hormones during pregnancy, so hormones remain a very important reason for the emergence of stretch marks.

When we are overweight before pregnancy and we are not used to exercising before pregnancy, the elasticity of our skin remains low and stretch marks appear very quickly and become very large during pregnancy.

Our diet also plays a very important role in this, if our diet is not nutritious then our skin texture is slightly different and this also increases the chances of getting stretch marks in pregnancy.

Is it possible to prevent stretch marks?

There are very expensive medicines available in the market which claim that its use will not cause stretch marks in pregnancy. But there is no such cream in the world that can prevent 100% stretch marks, so the use of such an expensive gel cream is not necessary at all.

Ways to scale back the looks of stretch marks?

Right now there must be a doubt in your mind that there is no cream to prevent stretch marks in the market, so how can we prevent stretch marks?

1. Moisturizer

So we just have to see that the moisture of our body or our skin remains intact. We can use any moisturizer to retain that moisture.

To retain this moisture we can also use oil like we can use coconut oil, we can use shea butter, we can use butter. Sometimes we can use olive oil, sometimes we can also use almond oil, we can also use gels or creams containing vitamin E and aloe vera.

But we have to apply this moisturizer or oil in good quantity on our stomach and our breasts. You should start using it before the stretch marks start i.e. in the first stage of pregnancy itself. Usually we can apply it twice a day and this is the right time to use it, after bath when our body is a little soft and a little wet then you should use this moisturizer. Moisturizer has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, it helps in retaining moisture on your skin.

2. Hydration

The second important thing is your hydration, for this you have to drink a lot of water or drink fluids like you can drink coconut water, you can take electoral powder. You can take fresh fruit juice etc. So you have to keep consuming fluids throughout the day.

You do not have to drink this water or liquid in one go, but drink it in small amounts throughout the day. Drinking water reduces the toxins of our body and the skin becomes a little thick, as well as the elasticity of the skin is also good, due to which the growth of stretch marks slows down a bit.

3. Avoid Caffeine

The third important thing is that we have to reduce the amount of caffeine in our diet, our hydration during pregnancy should be very good, during pregnancy our body needs more water and our body's hydration is less due to the consumption of caffeine. Is. Caffeine causes dehydration in our body.

Therefore, we should reduce the consumption of coffee, tea, aerated cold drinks, soda very little so that the hydration of our body is good.

4. Include skin nourishing foods in your diet

The fourth important thing is that the diet that nourishes the skin should be taken in good quantity.

What is a skin nourishing diet?

Green vegetables should be eaten. In which the amount of spinach is also good. Along with water, you also have to consume a good amount of protein, along with this we also have to take a diet rich in vitamin E.

We can also take dry fruits in which we get all the nutrients like Vitamin E, Vitamin C and it helps in maintaining good elasticity of our screen.

And we can also take vitamin E supplement during pregnancy. Vitamin E helps a lot in keeping the muscles living in our skin strong, which keeps our skin cells good.

5. Exercise

Regular exercise or yoga should be done during pregnancy. We have to do this regular exercise from the beginning, due to exercise, the blood flow of the skin becomes good, due to which the ability of the skin to stretch remains. Exercise helps us to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

 6. Do not scratch the skinDuring pregnancy

 there is a lot of stretching of the skin and there is an urge to itch in the skin, but during pregnancy you can feel it on the abdomen and breast Your scratch will deepen the wound, and the scar may be larger. That's why you should keep your skin moisturized and not scratch at all.

You can also use dry brushing to maintain circulation to your abdominal skin This dry brush should be soft, made of natural fibers and 3 to 4 minutes of dry brushing with long long strokes stimulates our skin and it is very important to maintain the circulation of our skin. Due to which the formation of our stretch marks decreases.

 7. Weight gain during pregnancy should be very gradual

Most importantly, you should gain weight very slowly during pregnancy. When we gain weight very fast, no cream or any technique can save us from stretch marks, rapid weight gain or very rapid weight loss in pregnancy can be a big reason for stretch marks.

That's why we should keep in mind that during pregnancy our weight increases gradually.  Also, you have to avoid gaining weight immediately after delivery, rapid weight loss can worsen the skin texture and increase the chances of stretch marks.

Even after doing all this, there will be no guarantee that there will be no stretch marks, so for this you will have to watch till the delivery. You can also consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist after delivery to reduce stretch marks By treating them, you can reduce the stretch marks after delivery.

If you have any doubt regarding this topic then definitely write in the comment box, we will definitely try to answer your questions.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Symptoms of being pregnant | What are the symptoms of pregnancy


Symptoms of being pregnant | What are the symptoms of pregnancy

Being pregnant is the happiest moment in the life of all women Every woman is excited to know whether she is pregnant or not.That is why this question definitely comes in the mind of all expectant mothers that what are the primary symptoms of pregnancy?


If you also have these questions in your mind, then definitely read 12 important early pregnancy symptoms.

Symptoms of being pregnant. What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

There are 11 important signs of being pregnant.

You have to keep in mind that these are just symptoms of being pregnant.You need to take a pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy.

1. Absence of menstruation

The first symptom of pregnancy is missed menstruation.When the egg is released free and mates with the sperm, a tiny zygote is formed.

This zygote gets implanted in the uterus.The uterus prepares a small cushion for implantation to take place, this padding is called the endometrium.

The function of the endometrium is to give blood flow to the baby, supply it with nutrients and make it grow.When conception takes place, this endometrium doubles and starts working very fast.

But when there is no conception, when the pregnancy does not stop, then this cushion becomes very thin and it comes out in 14 days after ovulation, we call it menstruation, it is the first symptom of pregnancy, missed menstruation.To become.

2. Light flow during menstruation

In many women, even when they are pregnant, periods are not missed, but there is a slight flow at the time of the expected date of menstruation and this flow continues to be cyclic for 3 months.

This is called placental sign. In this pregnancy is conceive but still the mild monthly flow lasts for 3 months.

3. Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are seen in about 80% of pregnant women.Why do nausea and vomiting occur in pregnancy?

An important reason for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is the changes in hormones.

Beta HCG hormone increases in the body to support the baby.It is responsible for the sudden increase in the amount of beta HCG hormone, along with the increase of estrogen is also a very important reason.

4. Craving and Mood Swing

The desire to eat and change of mind are considered to be an important symptom of being pregnant.You will have a lot of desire to eat something, especially there is a desire to eat sour.And sometimes there is no desire to eat anything at all.All these are due to hormones and it is normal for this to happen in pregnancy.

5. Raised Basic Body Temperature

An increase in the basic body temperature, a feeling of fever are also considered an important symptom of pregnancy.Why does the basic body temperature rise during pregnancy? This fever-like feeling in pregnancy, the body temperature increases, the important reason for this is the increase in the amount of progesterone.

Progesterone is considered an essential hormone to support the development of the fetus, and progesterone is a thermogenic hormone that causes a slight increase in body temperature.But if it is accompanied by some severe cold and some difficulty in urine, then it is considered a symptom of infection.

6. Constipation

Constipation is an important symptom in pregnancy.

Why does constipation occur in pregnancy?

Due to nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, we eat a little less food, take less amount of water and due to progesterone, the speed of digestion of intestine becomes very slow.Due to which there is a complaint of constipation in pregnancy.

 7. Sore, Tender and Heavy Breast

Your body starts preparing the baby for breastfeeding.So the milk glands that reside in the breast start growing.Due to all these hormones, changes keep happening in the breast.That's why having pain in the breast during pregnancy is a very common symptom.

8. Frequent urination

Increased frequency of urine or frequent urination can be considered a symptom of pregnancy.

Why does the frequency of urine increase during pregnancy?

Often people relate this increased frequency of urine to urinary tract infection.But the real reason for this is the enlargement of the uterus.This uterus presses on the bladder, due to this pressure, the urine bag does not swell well or does not flow and there is a sensation of urination again and again.

With this urine frequency, when there is pain in urination, fever remains, then it is considered a symptom of urinary tract infection.

9. Back pain

Back pain is also a common symptom in pregnancy.During pregnancy, the body goes through many changes, due to which there can be back pain.

10. Fatigue

Fatigue can also be considered a symptom of being pregnant.Due to Nausea and Vomiting, we eat less food, and take less amount of water, due to which the body becomes a little weak and feels tired.Fatigue can also occur due to changes in hormones in the body.

11. Headache

Headache can also be considered a symptom of being pregnant.It is very common to have acidity in pregnancy.Headache occurs due to acidity and increased blood volume.

These were the 11 early signs of pregnancy.  Among these important symptoms are Missing Period, Nausea and Vomiting, Breast Pain, Increase in Body Temperature, and frequent urination.

This symptom happens in everyone, it does not happen.Some of these symptoms occur in some women and other symptoms occur in other women.These are just symptoms, you need to do a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy.

Friday, April 28, 2023

How to become rich | mantra to get rich


How to become rich | mantra to get rich

After reading the title of this article, you must have thought that I am going to tell you some formula to earn money, so wait, something different is going to happen here.You know how to earn money, you must be earning or you must have thought of some way to earn money.  For example, you may have thought that you will take up a job or you may have decided that you will become a successful businessman with crores of assets.


Like I have thought that I will be a successful writer and my articles will change the lives of millions.  My books will be included in the bestseller list and the publisher will give me lakhs of rupees as royalty.  Similarly, you must have thought something or the other.

How to become rich|mantra to get rich

There is a great English proverb that he who believes in his work does a job and he who believes in himself does business.I am not saying that employed people are not rich but they have a limit to earn money because they are only selling their manpower which has a limit.Whereas the trader sells collective labor on the contrary and there is no limit to it.

Suppose I work in a shoe making factory and I add up all the cost of making a shoe of Rs 5, which is sold in the market for Rs 10. Shoe factory owner who is buying your hard work at low price and selling at high price like you.  Even if you are doing this, then the factory owner is finally getting the benefit of it.So it is certain that the chances of becoming rich are more by doing business than by doing a job.

If you read the life story of the rich, you will find that they all have one thing in common.  We all know that Leonardo da Vinci was a great painter, but did you know that he was also a great scientist.He said that whatever you do, first ask yourself whether you want to do this, do you like this work, if the answer is yes then it would be right to do so.Otherwise you will fail, surely you will fail because you are doing what you don't want to do.So don't copy others.Everyone becomes rich by his own efforts, by imitating others man can only become a monkey.

There is a saying that you are rich not because you know how to make money, but because you know where to put it.Often we see that investing money is a more difficult task after earning money.It is very important to understand the economics of money before becoming rich, so before starting any work, plan it.

To become rich it is necessary to know the art of becoming rich and only one who has become rich can learn from it.  It's a little tricky, let's make it easy.If you want to be rich, decide your role model.Watch them, read and learn from them but only feelings.Chinese philosopher LaoTzu says that we all have to find our own way.

A rich person is also a good manager and you have to work hard to be a good manager.You can start with small things to improve your management skills.For example, the rich all over the world have become wealthy on the basis of their management skills.People become rich even after the lottery opens, but their wealth is short-lived.Many of the rich of Who wants to be a millionaire today are as ordinary as they were before winning crores of rupees in this game because they were not expert in management.

The last recipe to get rich that most people refuse to try.  To get rich you have to take risks but I am not asking you to spend your hard earned money in Las Vegas casinos.You have to take calculated risk i.e. you know how much you will gain and how much you will lose and what will be your plan B in case of loss.

These tips will help you become successful.  It is like a mantra, do not leave it once.Because God has given us the boon of forgetting which has advantages as well as disadvantages.Be rich, there is nothing wrong with that, but be a good person too. If you roll your eyes, you will find that the world's richest man Bill Gates donated all his wealth to the Melinda Gates Foundation.Warren Buffet, the world's second richest man, also invested all his wealth in the good of the world and 95 percent shares of Tata Sons, the famous company of his own country, are with Tata Sons, who use their profits for their country.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Panta Bhat: Do you know the English of Panta Bhat? 99 percent of people gave the wrong answer!


 Panta Bhat: Do you know the English of Panta Bhat? 99 percent of people gave the wrong answer!

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