The solution of hair problem in modern life has become a problem for all the people. The problems mainly include baldness and gray hair. We also see a situation in which your hair starts turning gray prematurely. There can be many main reasons for premature graying of hair. Lack of vitamins in the body is also a major reason for this.


Deficiency of which vitamin causes graying of hair?

People who do not have enough vitamin C in their body, their hair starts turning white prematurely and there is a problem of baldness. Also, due to the deficiency of this vitamin, the hair becomes dry.The scalp starts drying up and dry scales start forming on the scalp.This can weaken the hair from the root.

Will hair not turn white by eating?

Salmon fish has the ability to protect us from many diseases and the nutrients present in it are very important for our body. Along with this, there is also an amount of vitamin B12 in it, which darkens the hair. So if you do not want your hair to turn white then you can eat salmon fish.

Does Plucking White Hair Lead To More Greying? 

Most people think that pulling out one white hair will cause a lot of white hair to grow out, however the truth is that one hair cannot affect the surrounding hair in this way and no pigment can build up in the hair follicle.

What causes GREY hair at a young age?

Even children's hair turns white at an early age. According to experts, all this is due to melanin. Melanin is found in the root cells of our hair, and it causes our hair to turn black. When the production of melanin decreases, the hair starts turning gray.

Can white hair turn black again?

If your hair is genetically white, it cannot be black. But if the hair turns gray due to lack of nutrients in the body, it can be prevented by changing the diet. A mixture of fennel and olive oil has been used for hair treatment for a long time. It not only keeps the hair black but also nourishes them.


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