Bleeding occurs due to damage to the blood vessels after an injury to the skin.This type of injury causes the blood to leak out and spread to the surrounding cells, leaving a blue mark.  These are called actinic purpura, and this scarring is common.One reason behind this can also be that the exposure of sunlight to the blood arteries for a long time.

What are the Most Common Causes of Blue Skin?


Due to nutrition

Nutrient deficiencies can also occur, the reason for blueness is that vitamins and minerals are very important for blood and wound healing in the body, because the body lacks vitamins, because this element aids in blood clotting Vitamin C protects the skin and arteries from injury, so a vitamin C deficiency can lead to scarring.

Due to chemotherapy

In many people scars are also caused due to nutritional deficiency, zinc and iron deficiency can also lead to anemia, which is considered a major cause of blue marks.And cancer patients turn blue during chemotherapy, because blood platelets are depleted during chemotherapy.

Because of drugs

Scars also appear on the body due to the consumption of some medicines.Some blood thinners such as warfarin and aspirin prevent blood clots from forming.Excessive use of natural supplements such as ginkgo biloba, fish oil and garlic also thins the blood.  More blue marks start appearing.

Due to thrombophilia

Thrombophilia is a type of bleeding disorder, due to thrombophilia, platelets are reduced, due to which bleeding can also occur.

Due to aging

Older people's skin becomes very thin, causing the tissues that support blood vessels to become fragile and bleeding occurs.However, these marks begin to turn red, become pale purple and dark in color, and then fade and disappear.