Effects of caste system in Pakistan 

Today we live in most Educated and Electronically fast world but our mantel level not changed , society Norms.values still different from reality of Human nature.

According Islamic Religion all rules made to make h person best human being among all humans so that's why as a Muslim should follow.Some limits set to retain human in high living Standards.

One side if we Muslim then we should follow all the rules and principals of Islam.According Last khutbah Hazrat Muhammad SAW ,Cast make only for identification of Humans , group of Humans not to judge any one.

Still now days we follow cast ,think it's a very proudly thing not to marry with other cast.This thing is proud for him.No people understand and take this concept as sin .This is sin ok not to follow Sunnah according Islam.

Many life destroyed due to this prejudice of cast system.Many relationship come to end.Many girls remain at home without mairrage to wait for same cast people.

Kindly understand this is big issue cast is just identification not to judge any one on this behalf.

Judge people on their characteristics and lifestyle not by cast.It is sin to judge any Muslim not on his values but cast.

Islam come to make human best Human being as Brothers not for cast comparison 🙏.