Your digestive system gets spoiled during the monsoon months, so you need to pay special attention to your diet. The risk of food poisoning increases dramatically due to contaminated and unsuitable food, Find out which bacteria cause food poisoning and the types of food they thrive in.

what is food poisoning


It is not advisable to eat everything in the month of monsoon, as our digestive system is weak during this season. In such a situation, heavy things are not digested properly. On the other hand, if you neglect your diet or eat something bad during this season, then the risk of food poisoning also increases significantly.  Food poisoning bacteria grow very fast in food and when they reach our body through food, these bacteria mainly cause irritation in the stomach.

This is the reason why food poisoning is also called gastroenteritis and due to food poisoning people have to face problems like vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever.  Therefore, we should take special care of our food and drink according to the season. Find out which bacteria cause food poisoning and what types of food they thrive in.

symptoms of food poisoning

Stomach problems - If a person has stomach problems like constipation, gas etc. then the risk of food poisoning is very high.

Weak immune system - A person with a weak immune system is more likely to get food poisoning.

Presence of Genetic Cause - There are many diseases that have a genetic cause.  These also include food poisoning, so if a person is suffering from food poisoning in his family, he should pay special attention to his health.

food poisoning bacteria

1. Salmonella

Salmonella is a group of bacteria that mainly thrive in undercooked foods. Therefore, when you consume less cooked meat, unsalted milk or cheese, the risk of food poisoning increases significantly. Additionally, some types of fruits such as melons, watermelons and sprouts can develop bacteria. You do not see any symptoms of food poisoning right after eating.  It may take one to three days for symptoms to appear.

2. Clostridium perfringens.

These bacteria are often found in large quantities in processed foods.  After eating food from most canteens, cafeterias, hospitals or events, you may be exposed to these bacteria.  In such a situation, you may have problems like abdominal pain or pain and diarrhea and you may remain ill for a few days.

3. Other viruses

Nora virus is one of the main causes of food poisoning. It is also called stomach flu.  Norovirus can harm the body by eating contaminated food. Apart from this, coming in contact with people infected with mild virus, touching any common place like door or window etc. that the infected person has touched can also infect you. Extreme care should be taken to avoid this. Especially in the month of monsoon, avoid eating contaminated food and pay attention to cleanliness.  Symptoms can last for one to three days.

4. Listeria

These bacteria can thrive even at low temperatures, so they grow easily in refrigerants. This bacteria can also be found in fish, pasteurized cheese, ice cream, etc.  Symptoms begin to appear within 24 hours and include vomiting, nervousness, etc.

Use caution in case of food poisoning

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before and after preparing food.

It is very important to cook food well, be it lentils or vegetables, and cook them well.

Prepare the food you need. Complete refrigerated foods within a day.

Keep everything covered.  Fungus or bacteria can thrive in dried spices, keep in an airtight container.

If gram flour or gram flour is missed, then store it in an airtight container.

Since cutting boards are made of wood, be sure to wash and dry them thoroughly after use to avoid getting the mushrooms wet.

If it's not vegetarian, keep raw meat in the refrigerator away from cooked foods so that the bacteria in it don't affect the cooked food.

home remedies for food poisoning

1. Use of Tulsi - The antimicrobial properties of Tulsi fight germs.  There are many ways to eat basil.  You can take basil leaves, black pepper and a pinch of salt in a bowl of curd.  You can also add basil leaves to water and tea.

2. Lemon - Lemon has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties.  Therefore, drinking it kills the bacteria causing food poisoning.  You can drink lemonade on an empty stomach or if you want, you can squeeze lemon in lukewarm water.

3. Eat curd- Curd is an antibiotic, you can take it with a pinch of black salt.

4. Garlic- Eat bay leaf garlic Garlic has antifungal properties.  You can eat raw garlic cloves with water on an empty stomach in the morning.  This will also bring peace.

5. Use Apple Vinegar - Apple cider vinegar contains substances that increase the metabolic rate.  It also helps in killing bad bacteria when taken on an empty stomach.

6. Ginger and Honey - We all have heard about the benefits of ginger for stomach problems Ginger can also be used to treat food poisoning. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the symptoms of food poisoning, such as nausea and abdominal pain. Chewing ginger soaked in honey provides relief in nausea. At the same time, ginger tea provides relief from upset stomach.  Ginger can be used to treat food poisoning at home

7. Essential oils - Home remedies for food poisoning require effective antibacterial ingredients. As mentioned, food poisoning is a type of bacterial infection. Therefore, various essential oils can be used to treat it. Cinnamon and cilantro essential oils are said to have antibacterial effects, which may help relieve symptoms of food poisoning.