If there is a deficiency of any nutritious element in the body, then many health problems can occur. Calcium is also included in these nutrients.Calcium is also very important for health. It makes bones and teeth strong. Bones become weak due to calcium deficiency, apart from this, calcium deficiency can give rise to many serious problems in the body. You can make up for calcium deficiency by including these things in your diet.


Top 5 Calcium-Rich Foods

1- Consumption of tofu can fulfill calcium deficiency because tofu is rich in calcium, iron and many other nutritious elements. It is made from soybean milk.It is also cholesterol free.

2- Curd is one of the foods that fulfill the deficiency of calcium in the body. Apart from curd calcium, vitamin-A, vitamin-D, protein, iodine and zinc are also present. Which fulfills the deficiency of calcium in the body.

3- Paneer is also rich in calcium. Because of which consuming paneer can also be a good option for calcium supply in the body. Paneer is a good choice of nutritious as well as tasty food item.


4- Milk is considered a complete diet, because it is rich in nutrients. Apart from calcium, milk contains a good amount of vitamin D, which plays an important role in strengthening bones.

5- White sesame contains high calcium which can help in meeting the calcium deficiency in the body. Apart from this, berries are also calcium rich food, which does not allow calcium deficiency in the body.