Adjective Phrase - Definition and Uses

Adjective Phrase: Definition, Uses and Examples

Adjective phrases like other phrases are most commonly used in your speeches and write-ups. As adjective phrases are so popular in English, you're going to encounter them frequently. 

Therefore, you need to master this topic so as to beautify your spoken English skills and better your writing skills. In this article, we've covered: 

1. What is an adjective phrase?
2. Adjective phrase examples
3. How to identify adjective phrase?
4. Functions and uses of adjective phrases
5. Adjective phrase vs adjective clause
6. A list of adjective phrases 
7. Adjective phrase exercises 

What is an Adjective Phrase?

Cambridge Dictionary defines adjective phrase as "An adjective phrase always has an adjective acting as the head. The adjective phrase may also contain words or phrases before or after the head (modifiers and complements)."

YourDictionary defines an adjective phrase as "An adjective phrase is defined as a group of words that, together, function as an adjective. That means that the phrase itself acts as an adjective in a sentence." 

Collins Dictionary defines an adjective phrase as "A group of words including an adjective and its complements or modifiers that functions as an adjective."

From the definitions above, we learn that:

1. An adjective phrase is a group of words.
2. An adjective phrase has an adjective as its head word.
3. An adjective phrase has modifiers or complements. 
4. An adjective phrase can be of only one word, only adjective.

Adjective Phrase Examples

(a) He is a very good student.
(b) The dish you served yesterday was tasty enough.
(c) The house is beautiful.

In example (a), a very good is an adjective phrase where good is the head, very is an adverb and a is an article. 
In example (b), tasty enough is an adjective phrase in which tasty is the head word and enough is a post-modifier.
In example (c), beautiful is an adjective phrase which contains only one adjective. 

How to Identify Adjective Phrase?

Identifying an adjective phrase is an easy task. To identify the adjective phrase in a sentence, follow the below-given steps:

1. Look at the group of words (phrase) in a sentence carefully. 
2. See if there's an adjective. 
3. If you find any adjective, then it's an adjective phrase.

Functions and Uses of Adjective Phrase

An adjective or adjective phrase modifies a noun or pronoun and has the following uses: 

1. An adjective phrase or adjective is used alone predicatively as in "John is handsome.". 

2. An adjective phrase is preceded by an adverb (pre-modifier) as in "Our sessional exam was fairly difficult.". 

3. An adjective phrase is preceded by another adjective (pre-modifier) as in "Your watch is pretty good.".

4. An adjective phrase is preceded by an article (pre-modifier) as in "He is a good student.". 

5. An adjective phrase is followed by an adverb (post-modifier) as in "This specific dish is tasty enough.". 

6. An adjective phrase is followed by a prepositional phrase (post-modifier) as in "This bike is expensive for its super amazing look.".

7. An adjective phrase is followed by a complement (post-modifier) as in "John is not aware of the consequences of what he's doing.". 

Adjective Phrase Versus Adjective Clause


1. Both adjective phrase and adjective clause are group of words.

2. Both adjective phrase and clause play the same role of describing a noun or pronoun.


1. An adjective phrase does not contain a subject and predicate while an adjective clause contains both at the same time. 

2. An adjective clause is a dependent clause while an adjective phrase is not. 

Adjective Phrase Versus Adjectival Phrase

An adjective phrase is a group of words that contains an adjective word as its head and that describes a noun or pronoun as in very good. 

On the other hand, adjectival phrase is any group of words (phrase) that does not necessarily contain an adjective word as its head and that describes a noun or pronoun as in a man of wealth.

So an adjectival phrase is a general term used for ANY phrase that plays the role of describing a noun or pronoun regardless of whether it contains an adjective as its head or not. An adjective phrase, on the other hand, is a specific term used for the phrase that contains an adjective word. 

Adjective Phrase Exercises and Worksheet

Identify the adjective or adjectival phrases used in the below-given sentences.

a. She's a very intelligent student. 
b. The meal you served at the party was tasty enough.
c. Your watch is pretty good. 
d. This phone is expensive for its cool features.
e. John is a man of wealth.

Answer keys: a. a very intelligent b. tasty enough c. pretty good d. expensive for its cool features e. a man of wealth