FANBOYS Grammar: Definition, Rules and Examples

This article talks of the meaning, purposes, rules and examples of FANBOYS grammar followed by exercises on FANBOYS.

FANBOYS Grammar Meaning

In English grammar, FANBOYS is a memory device-learning technique which stands for For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, SoFANBOYS are coordinating conjunctions that join two or more words, phrases (parts of sentence) and clauses (sentence consisting of a subject and predicate) of equal significance.

In other words, the coordinating conjunctions, FANBOYS connect parallel words like two nouns, two verbs or two adjectives, parallel phrases like two prepositional phrases or parallel clauses like two dependent or independent clauses. 


(a) John would like to have tea or coffee. 

(b) I'll go to the market by bike or on foot.

(c) Rocky wonders who John is and what he's doing. 

Explanation: In example (a), the coordinating conjunction, Or joins two words of equal importance (tea or coffee) that are two nouns. In example (b), Or connects two phrases of equal importance (by bike or on foot) that are two prepositional phrases. In example (c), the conjunction, And joins two equal clauses (who John is and what he's doing) that are dependent clauses. 

The Purposes of FANBOYS Grammar

In grammar, FANBOYS, the seven coordinating conjunctions, are used to serve different purposes in the sentences they are employed. Below are given different purposes, meanings and ideas expressed by FANBOYS. 

1. For: As a coordinating conjunction, it expresses the similar purpose as Because does. That is For gives a reason why some action takes place. 


(a) I brought breakfast, for I was hungry. 

(a) John can not play football today, for he's not feeling well.

2. And: As a conjunction, And is used to add more information to a sentence. 


(a) He's my friend and he's a lawyer. 

(b) John is a professor and he teaches at SMA University. 

3. Nor: As a conjunction, it introduces or adds a negative idea to an already-stated negative idea. 


(a) I don't like eating apple in the morning, nor do I like eating other fruits. 

(b) She hasn't attended the classes, nor has she had a conversation with her teachers. As a result, she's certainly going to fall short of attendance.

4. But: as a conjunction, it introduces a sentence expressing contrasting idea. 


(a) I like fast food but I'm allergic to pizza. 

(b) I'm used to playing football but I can't play today. 

5. Or: As a conjunction, it gives choice between two things. 


(a) Will you stay at home, or will you go to the hospital with us?

(b) Will you watch comedy movie, or will you watch horror movie?

6. Yet: As a conjunction, it means the same as But. Like But, it shows contrast. 


(a) The sessional test was super hard, yet everyone managed to pass. 

(b) It was a rainy day yesterday, yet the students attended the class.

7. So: As a conjunction, it shows result. 


(a) He asked me so I told him. 

(b) He forced me so I revealed the truth.

FANBOYS Grammar Conjunctions Rules

Rule 1: When two long independent clauses are joined by any of the coordinating conjunctions, FANBOYS, a comma is required before the conjunction. 

Example: The sessional test taken yesterday was very difficult, yet the students managed to get passing marks.

Rule 2: No comma is used when two short independent clauses that are joined by the coordinating conjunctions, FANBOYS. 

Example: He saw a lion and he ran away.

Rule 3: No comma is used when the coordinating conjunctions, FANBOYS join two nouns. 

Example: John and Rocky will not attend the class today. 

Rule 4: No comma is used when FANBOYS join two verbs. 

Example: Go and see what's going on there.

Rule 5: No comma is used when two prepositional phrases are joined by FANBOYS. 

Example: I will go to school by bike or on foot. 

Rule 6: No comma is used when two dependent clauses are connected by the coordinating conjunctions, FANBOYS. 

Example: I wonder who John is and what he's doing here. 

FANBOYS Grammar Exercises

Use any of the appropriate coordinating conjunctions, FANBOYS in the below-given sentences. 

1. Will you take tea ___ coffee?

2. The day is hot ___ beautiful. 

3. I won't take tea ___ will I take coffee. 

4. Rocky ___ John won't attend the class today. 

5. I like fruits ___ I'm allergic to apple. 

6. He's going to bring breakfast, ___ he's hungry. 

7. She asked me ___ I told her. 

Answer keys:

1. Or 2. Yet 3. Nor 4. And 5. But 6. For 7. So

FAQs – FANBOYS Grammar

What are fanboys in grammar?

FANBOYS are the seven coordinating conjunctions that join two or more words, phrases or clauses. FANBOYS stands for For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So.

What are fanboys grammar examples

1. Will you take tea or coffee?

2. The day is hot yet beautiful. 

3. I won't take tea nor will I take coffee. 

4. Rocky and John won't attend the class today. 

5. I like fruits but I'm allergic to apple. 

6. He's going to bring breakfast, for he's hungry. 

7. She asked me so I told her. 

What are the 7 conjunctions?

For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So