Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Tiger Year is Over: Happy Rabbit Year 2023


The Tiger Year is Over: Happy Rabbit Year 2023

  • Shift down for the calmer energies ahead

  • A few life chapters ago, I was very interested in various systems of astrology, and although that’s no longer something I follow, I still love to read the forecast for the Chinese zodiac animal of the year.

  • Recently, life was already sending me signs (like unfortunately banging up a toe quite badly), that I need to *s-l-o-o-o-o-w* (way) d-o-w-n, so when I read that this Rabbit year will be a time for calming, resting, healing, and enjoying creativity — with dashes of magic — that resonated for sure. I am definitely feeling in need of some deeper rest.

  1. Of course, I still want to contribute whatever I can to goodness and happiness in this world, so I intend to harness the creative energies for writing stories which will hopefully be helpful to others.

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