Vitamin B12 Deficiency : Just as we have given importance to the prevention of serious diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes, similarly it is necessary to take proper care of eating disorders. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for brain and nervous system health. It is also an important substance in the formation of DNA and red blood cells in our body. On the contrary, deficiency of Vitamin B12 can be dangerous for the body and can affect the daily activities.



According to Web MD News, the human body does not produce vitamin B12 on its own, so we must depend on external food to meet the body's needs. B12 is abundant in foods of animal origin. Vitamin B12 is stored in our liver for five years, but if it is not supplied, the body can become deficient.

Symptoms of vitamin B-12 deficiency appear on the hands, feet, nails


Vitamin B-12 deficiency causes visible symptoms on the hands, feet and palms.Strange tingling or vibration is felt in these parts of the body. Paresthesia or pins or needles that feel like stinging or burning.

A deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to oral problems. These include mouth ulcers, sores, swelling and redness of the tongue. According to WebMD, glossitis is a minor inflammation on the tongue. This is because a lack of vitamin B12 causes the production of an abnormally high number of red blood cells that do not function properly and cause anemia. This can be seen as a number of symptoms including canker sores.


Vegetarian Sources of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that the body cannot produce, so it must be obtained from the outside. It can often be obtained from animal products. Therefore, vegetarians and vegans have difficulty getting enough vitamin B12. Here are some healthy vegetarian sources of vitamin B12:

1: yogurt

Yogurt is good for vegetarians as it is one of the best sources of Vitamin B12. One cup of plain yogurt can provide 28% of vitamin B12. Studies show that vitamin B12 from yogurt is more easily absorbed than vitamin B12 from chicken or meat. Plain yogurt is better for reducing the symptoms of vitamin deficiency in many patients.

2: Milk and other dairy products

Milk is packed with vitamin B12 as well as protein, calcium and minerals. Dairy products like cottage cheese and cheese are also excellent sources of this vitamin. Milk may be more quickly and easily absorbed in the stomach than other sources.

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3: fortified cereals

This is one of the best options for vegetarians to get vitamin B12. Fortified cereals, such as whole oat bran and oats, are rich in vitamin B12, folate, iron and vitamin A. Regular consumption of fortified cereals can help in increasing the level of Vitamin B12 in the body.


4: fortified non-dairy milk

While soy and almond milk are not natural sources of vitamin B12, they are often considered sources of vitamin B12. One cup of soy or almond milk daily contains 2.1 mcg of vitamin B12.

5: Nutritional Yeast

Fortified yeast contains a lot of vitamin B12. A small amount of this yeast can give a sweet taste to the food. One tablespoon of fortified whole yeast contains 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12. For best results, you can add this fortified yeast to soups or curries.

6: Nori


Nori is an edible dried seaweed that contains good levels of vitamin B12. It is also known as Purple Laver which is commonly eaten in Asian countries like Japan. Studies suggest that 4 grams of dry nori is sufficient for daily needs. You can use it as a light snack or in sushi.

7: Egg

If you are Egyptian, this is best for you for Vitamin B12. It is also rich in vitamin B2, protein and calcium. Research shows that egg yolks have higher levels of vitamin B12 than egg whites. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a whole egg. You can eat boiled eggs for breakfast or add them to soups.

8: Tempeh


Tempeh is a salty soybean paste in Javanese cuisine. It is similar to tofu and is rich in vitamin B12. It can be eaten as part of a curry or soup.

9: Vitamin B12 Supplements

Include vitamin B12 supplements in your diet so that you do not have to worry about its deficiency. Various herbal vitamin B12 supplement capsules are available.