Friday, March 31, 2023

5 impressive benefits of garlic


5 impressive benefits of garlic

Men cannot take special care of their health in the context of changing lifestyle. To stay active and full of energy, men consume very expensive things. But we will tell you something similar that is found in your home. You get many benefits by eating it, with this you will not only keep your health in good shape but will also stay away from many diseases.


5 impressive benefits of garlic

What nutrients are in garlic?

Garlic contains a drug called allicin. It has antioxidant, antifungal and antiviral properties. Vitamin B and vitamin C are present in sufficient quantity in garlic. Apart from this, there are also elements like selenium, calcium and manganese. Which is very important for health.

Why is eating garlic good for health?

By the way, garlic is used a lot in the rainy season. It is most commonly used for diseases related to throat and stomach. Garlic has antiseptic properties for stomach worms. Garlic gives quick relief from problems like cold, cough, phlegm etc.

Why is garlic beneficial in the morning on an empty stomach?

Eating garlic with water on an empty stomach in the morning improves digestion. It also helps relieve gas, cramps and bloating. Garlic strengthens the digestive system and helps in getting maximum amount of nutrients from food. Apart from this, it helps in relieving stomach problems like abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating etc.

What are the benefits of raw garlic for men?

To take full advantage of the properties of garlic, it is recommended to eat it raw. Raw garlic is a boon for men who are unable to fully reveal their intimate organs due to some reason. Since it has aphrodisiac properties, it is called an aphrodisiac. If weak men eat 2-4 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning, then the flow of blood from the intimate organs stops and the problem of erectile dysfunction goes away.

Benefits of eating garlic while sleeping?

Eating garlic at bedtime increases stamina. Along with this, the weakness of the body is also removed, people who eat garlic and sleep at night, the level of cholesterol in their body is reduced and heart problems also go away. On the other hand, if you are troubled by increasing obesity, then garlic is good for that too. Its consumption reduces body fat.

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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Information about menstruation


Information about menstruation

Menstrual periods vary from woman to woman, but on average, menstruation occurs every 28 days. As a result, regular long or short menstrual cycles are considered normal, i.e. 24 to 35 days. A period is the first day of a woman's menstrual cycle, until the day before her next period," says Tony Belfield, sexual health specialist and fertility coach.


They say that menstruation can start anytime after the age of 10, but the average age is around 12. The average age of menopause (when menstruation stops) is between 50 and 55 years old. Between the ages of 12 and 52, a woman has about 480 monthly cycles.

Early menstruation

Some girls start menstruating early, sometimes at the age of 9-10 years. It does not cause any health problem, but it is necessary to provide complete information about menstrual cycle to girls at this age.You should be aware of the risk of pregnancy due to ovulation and sexual assault.

When menstruation begins, the increase in length decreases. Balanced diet and exercise can increase your height to some extent.  A balanced diet is also necessary to prevent anemia.

Due to delay in menstruation.

• Your physical and mental health also affects your reproductive health and can sometimes be linked to late menstruation. The menstrual cycle usually lasts 28 days.

• In women, the use of certain types of birth control pills affects the menstrual cycle, therefore causing a delay or irregularity in menstruation, and birth control pills prevent pregnancy.

• If a woman has celiac disease, it can cause swelling and irritation. Due to the affected small intestine, nutrients are not absorbed and menstruation may be delayed.

• If a woman is sick for a long time, then it affects menstruation. For this reason, menstruation does not come on time but late.

• If there is a problem with the thyroid gland, it will have a greater impact on the menstrual cycle, the hormonal balance is not balanced properly, and menstruation begins later.

• Due to excess fat in the body, there is a problem in the menstrual cycle. So keep your weight down and don't postpone your periods.

• If you are constantly under stress, try to rest for a few days so that you don't have problems with your periods. In addition, physical and mental stress delays menstruation.

Get rid of menstrual problems

Apple cider vinegar is the most effective way to get rid of cysts. Since cysts and lumps form due to a lack of potassium, apple cider vinegar contains high amounts of potassium, which can dissolve cysts and remove them naturally. You should drink one to two cups daily by mixing a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of brown sugar in a glass of warm water. This will also solve your menstrual problems.

Beetroot helps in increasing the blood.

Beetroot contains beta-cyanine, which enhances the ability of the liver to detoxify.  It not only removes the problem of heartburn, but also promotes blood growth. By drinking half a glass of fresh beet juice daily, adding a spoonful of aloe vera gel and brown sugar juice, drinking it once a day before breakfast for at least 30 days, you will soon see its benefits.

Increase blood flow to the pelvic area.

The cyst can be removed naturally by drinking herbal tea. Because, in addition to reducing pain, its herbal ingredients increase blood flow to the uterus and pelvic region. To do this you can drink a little dry chamomile, soak it in water for 2-3 minutes and add a little honey to make it tastier. Drink two to three times a day and see the difference.

Ginger relieves pain

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation and relieve pain. It also elevates the body temperature, which corrects irregular menstruation. You need to extract the juice by mixing a few pieces of ginger, two decoctions of celery and a few pieces of pineapple in half a cup of apple juice. Then drinking this juice twice a day will soon remove the problem of ovarian cyst.

Balance estrogen

Flax seeds are also an effective remedy for cysts and lumps. This maintains the balance of estrogen in the body. Because the amount of fiber in flaxseed is high, due to which harmful toxins, cholesterol and other substances harmful to the liver are flushed out from within the body. Grind one teaspoon of real seeds daily on an empty stomach and drink it after dissolving it in a glass of warm water.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

8 fruits for Eye Health and Maintaining Good Eyesight


8 fruits for Eye Health and Maintaining Good Eyesight

We live in a world where the morning starts with checking WhatsApp messages and the day ends with spending a few hours on social networks. We work hard between waking up and sleeping.


They work on laptop for 10 to 12 hours, spend one to two hours on social media and watch TV for three to four hours. It is very important to follow the right diet for eye care. If you do not like glasses on your eyes, then your eyes need some special attention.

Poor Eyesight reason

1. Eyes should be protected from dust, dirt and strong sunlight. High quality goggles should be worn in sunlight, as the ultraviolet rays of the sun cause problems and damage the eyes.

2. Continuous reading or working on the computer for a long time has a negative effect on eyesight. Therefore, after some time, close your eyes and take rest.

3. Also a diet containing essential vitamins and minerals should be followed to improve eye health.

4. Eat foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and beta-carotene like carrots, all citrus fruits etc.  Eat wheat and nuts to get vitamin A. Eat green leafy vegetables and legumes.

5. Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is very important for the eyes. Therefore, consume flaxseed and include sweet potato in your diet. It is a good source of beta-carotene & vitamin E.

6. Walnuts are rich in vitamin E, which protects the eyes from diseases caused by aging, so eat nuts like walnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts etc.

7. Wash the eyes with cold water twice a day.  While studying, you should pay special attention to the light. Reading or writing in high light puts strain on the eyes.

Eat this fruit for better eyesight?

Apricots - According to research, beta-carotene present in them is beneficial for the eyes. It contains nutrients like vitamin C and vitamin E, zinc and copper. Apricots are a good fruit for people suffering from cataracts.

Broccoli - Contains lutein. It works as a wonderful antioxidant. It is good for the eyes. Vegetables rich in fiber also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, along with vitamin C and beta-carotene. You can add this vegetable to your salads, sauces or pasta.

Orange - Oranges rank high on the list of citrus fruits as they are rich in vitamin C, which helps fight cataracts and keeps your eyes fully hydrated. Actually, there is so much water in an orange that this fruit is beneficial for the eyes.

Avocado - Avocados are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, and these help improve night vision. Eating this fruit also helps in protecting your eyes from damage caused by harmful UV rays.

Mango - Mango, the king of fruits, is no less than a wonderful fruit to see. Mangoes rich in vitamin A, remove infections and bacteria from the surface of the eye. Vitamin A deficiency can cause dry eyes and blurred vision, which can worsen your health.

peach - This simple-looking fruit contains beta-carotene, which prevents premature aging of the eyes. Peaches contain other important nutrients, such as zinc, copper, and vitamins C and E, which help protect the retina from damage.

Fish - Fish contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the retina. Omega-3 fatty acids sharpen the brain, which also strengthens the eye muscles and improves vision. You can also give fish oil pills.

fenugreek - Soak fenugreek seeds overnight. Then the next morning drink water on an empty stomach. You have drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. It improves eyesight and also reduces weight.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

9 Incredible Benefits of Drinking Bottle Gourd Juice


9 Incredible Benefits of Drinking Bottle Gourd Juice

Often people enjoy eating Bottle gourd as a vegetable, but did you know that Bottle gourd has countless medicinal properties, which is why Bottle gourd is used as a treatment in Ayurveda. Its consumption improves metabolism and strengthens the digestive system. Eating Bottle gourd increases appetite. And eating it does not cause constipation and stomach problems.

Benefits of Drinking Bottle Gourd Juice?


1. Bottle gourd juice is very beneficial for heart health. Drinking Bottle gourd juice regularly keeps blood pressure in check, which reduces the risk of heart disease. You can also eat the vegetable of gourd.

2. Women often have to face the problem of white water coming from the vagina.  Excessive discharge of white water also causes weakness. To get rid of this, it is considered good to consume bottle gourd.  Mixing equal quantity of sugar and honey in Bottle gourd powder eating it, gets rid of the problem of white water.

3. The properties of calcium, magnesium and zinc are found in bottle gourd. Which helps in making bones strong. Bottle gourd is very beneficial for bones. Drinking bottle gourd juice leaves strengthens bones.

4. Vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin K, iron, potassium etc. are present in Bottle gourd. Which are very useful for the body. Gourd is high in choline and acts as a neurotransmitter. Due to which the brain cells remain balanced. Because of this, you get relief from the problem of stress and depression.

5. Bottle gourd juice is low in calories and fat, which makes it an effective drink for weight loss. In addition, it is rich in fiber, which makes you feel full for a longer period of time and curbs hunger. It also contains important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin K, vitamin A, iron, potassium and manganese.

6. Due to change in diet, human hair starts turning gray before ageing. If you are in such a problem then drink a glass of Bottle gourd juice daily, hair can become thick and black. Bottle gourd juice works as a panacea for white hair.

7. People with high blood pressure can also include bottle gourd juice in their diet.  Potassium is found in gourd , which is effective in controlling blood pressure. If you drink Bottle gourd juice on an empty stomach, it improves digestion. Relieves constipation and gas.

8. Bottle gourd is rich in iron. In such a situation, it is very effective for hemoglobin deficiency and weak people. This increases the amount of hemoglobin. Fiber is also found in bottle gourd. This makes it easy to digest and keeps the stomach clean.

9. If there is not enough water in the body, for example due to excessive sweating, diarrhea or feeling tired, there is a way to get rid of it. Consume a glass of Bottle gourd juice. It acts as a life saver in case of diarrhea.

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Monday, March 27, 2023

How to remove dark circles at home?


How to remove dark circles at home? 

Dark circles are becoming a big problem not only for women but also for men. There are many reasons for this, including stress, lack of sleep, low water intake, hormonal changes, hectic lifestyle and genetic problems. Here are some home remedies that you can use to get rid of dark circles.


Causes of dark circle?

1. Lack of sleep and fatigue.

Dark circles are usually caused by lack of sleep or too long sleep, and circles occur due to exhaustion, and lack of sleep causes fluid to build up under the eyes, making the skin look puffy.

2. Old age

With age, our skin starts thinning and this thinness spreads to the skin under the eyes.

3. More Screen Time

We often spend so much time in front of the TV, laptop or phone that our eyes get tired and swollen.

4. Prolonged exposure to the sun.

Often our skin starts producing more melanin due to prolonged exposure to sunlight and this melanin darkens the skin, which also affects the eyes.

5. Correct diet and lack of water.

If you do not follow the right diet, that is, do not include nutrients in your diet, then their effect will be first visible on your body, and the skin under your eyes will start looking lifeless.

How to remove dark circles?

1.coconut oil

Coconut oil is very beneficial for the sensitive skin under the eyes. It acts as a moisturizer.  Every night before sleeping, massage the dark circles under the eyes with coconut oil with light hands. Dark circles will start reducing within a week.

2.Aloe Vera and Turmeric

Mix a pinch of turmeric powder in half a teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Apply this paste on the eyes before sleeping at night. Be careful not to get this paste in your eyes. Apply it and leave it overnight, and wash it with plain water the next day. This will eliminate dark circles quickly.

3.Turmeric and Yogurt

Mix two spoons of turmeric powder with one spoon of curd and a few drops of lemon juice, mix this mixture well, then apply it on the dark circles around the eyes. Leave this paste on for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with plain water. For best results apply turmeric and curd paste daily before sleeping.

4.Raw potato

Cut a raw potato and rub it under the eyes for 10-15 minutes and let it dry. Then wash off with cold water. By doing this daily, your dark circles will go away in a few days because potato is a natural bleach. Potato not only removes dark circles under the eyes, but also reduces the swelling around the eyes.


Cucumber is also very helpful in getting rid of dark circles. To do this, mix a little lemon juice in cucumber juice and apply it under the eyes.Wash your eyes after half an hour. Do this method every day. You will look amazing in a few days.

6.Almond oil

Almond oil also removes dark circles. To do this, take a little almond oil and massage it under the eyes with a light hand. Leave your face in this state after massage, wake up the next morning and wash your face with clean water. Do this every day until the dark circles disappear.

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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Amazing benefits of water chestnut? will surprise you, health as well as taste


Amazing benefits of water chestnut? will surprise you, health as well as taste

Water chestnut is a triangular fruit with two horns. But like its unique shape, its benefits are also many. Water chestnut is mainly found in winter. Its seeds are nutritious, relieve pain, increase the size of the breasts, reduce fever, increase appetite and reduce fatigue.

Amazing benefits of water chestnut


1.Difficult problems like piles can also be cured by consuming water chestnut. You can get rid of it by eating water chestnut regularly. Apart from this, water chestnut is beneficial for people who are suffering from asthma. Regular consumption of water chestnut reduces the problems of asthma and helps to overcome other respiratory diseases.

2.Water chestnut ends sexual impotence.  Taking 2-3 tablespoons of water chestnut flour and hot milk will increase semen production. Sometimes, due to some diseases, there is a decrease in sexual ability. Still water chestnut flour acts as a blessing, and moreover, women who miscarry before the end of pregnancy due to weakened uterus and increased pitta benefit from drinking water chestnut juice.

3.For sore throat, drinking water of water chestnut flour mixed with milk provides instant relief. Due to the sufficient amount of iodine in water chestnut, it is also useful for diseases of the esophagus. Vitamin A is found in large quantities in water chestnut, which improves vision. Its consumption increases vision. Also, if there is a problem of acidity and there is a problem of gas formation, then consuming water chestnut is beneficial. It is also useful for the problem of increased bile secretion and constipation. If there is no appetite, then eating water chestnut gives good appetite.

4.Consuming water chestnut keeps the skin glowing. It is also good for hair. Water of water chestnut removes toxins from the body. Its consumption removes the toxic elements from the body, due to which the skin becomes glowing. Acne does not form quickly by eating water chestnut flour. Also, if there is a problem of tooth movement or tooth decay, then water chestnut reduces this problem. To remove the pain at the place of the extracted tooth, applying water chestnut paste on that place provides relief from pain. It has pain relieving properties.

5.Often problems like itching can occur due to excess of pitta or kapha dosha. To get rid of this, it is beneficial to consume water chestnut. Also, if you feel physically very weak then you can include water chestnut in your daily diet. It can help in increasing the energy in the body. Due to the properties present in it, it is easy to digest. Due to this the body is also kept stylish.

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Saturday, March 25, 2023

Amazing benefits of eating green apple?


Amazing benefits of eating green apple?

You will find many types of apples in the market. Generally people like to eat red apples more, but do you know about the health benefits of green apples? Green apples are very beneficial for your health. Green apples are rich in vitamin C. In addition, it also contains iron, potassium, calcium, antioxidants and flavonoids.


1. Green apple is very beneficial for the elderly, the eyesight becomes weak with age. Vitamin C, vitamin E, antioxidants are found in abundance in it, its consumption also reduces the risk of eye infection.

2. People who want to lose weight can include green apple in their diet. Green apples contain the necessary amount of natural sugar, which is very useful for the body. Green apples contain fiber, so the body needs to work harder. Which helps in reducing body weight. So include green apples in your diet.

3. Green apples are also very beneficial in incurable diseases like asthma, apart from this it also helps in increasing immunity, paresh sev also contains antiinflammatory elements along with antioxidants, which make bones strong, if there is a problem of joints. If you want to get rid of pain, then definitely consume a green apple daily.

4. It is common for hair to become weak with increasing age, but hair fall can be stopped by the consumption of green apples. The vitamins and anti-oxidants present in it make hair thick and strong, you can consume an apple every day to take advantage of the nutrients present in apple for hair.

5. Green apples contain pectin, which also promotes the growth of intestinal bacteria. The fiber present in it improves the functioning of the digestive system. By including it in the diet, there is never a complaint of constipation. In fact, green apples are rich in potassium, calcium and vitamin K.

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Friday, March 24, 2023

5 miraculous benefits of milk cream in cold weather?


5 miraculous benefits of milk cream in cold weather?

Cream is made by heating milk, which is very tasty and full of useful substances. That's why everyone likes to eat cream made from milk. Today we will tell you about the benefits of eating milk cream.


Cream is extracted from milk in almost all households and contains all the nutrients found in milk like Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Phosphorous, Mineral, Iron etc., which help in maintaining your health. Some people think that eating cream leads to weight gain, but milk-based creams are rich in proteins and healthy fats that help in preventing weight gain.

benefits of eating milk cream

1. Nowadays it is very important to have good immunity.  Due to good immunity, our body stays away from diseases and infections. The cream contains vitamin A. Vitamin A strengthens the body's immune system and protects against disease to a great extent.

2. The cream is good for the eyes. Vitamin A present in it maintains moisture in the eyes. Along with this, it is also effective in protecting against diseases like cataract. Diseases like Alzheimer's can be avoided by eating cream. Bones are also strong due to phosphorus. Along with this, the gums and teeth also remain healthy.

3. The health of your body depends on red blood cells. Hemoglobin in red blood cells provides nutrients and oxygen to the blood cells. Iron and other minerals are considered essential for the formation of red blood cells.  Let us tell you that the cream provides you with all the nutrients, so you can use the cream to increase your red blood cells.

4. Due to the presence of calcium, it prevents the formation of kidney stones. So, if you are deficient in calcium, you need to take care of this requirement of your body as well. Your health is of paramount importance and if you do not want to suffer from kidney stones. Then take cream. Additionally, phosphorus prevents memory loss in your body. This gives you many benefits, which are very important for your health.

5. Till now we have talked about the health benefits of creams, but apart from health, creams are also good for the skin. If there are benefits of eating cream for health, then there are benefits of applying cream for the skin. Cream is an effective natural moisturizer as a home remedy for dry skinIt not only moisturizes the skin but also adds shine to it.

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