When zinc levels are too low, you may experience several symptoms. Zinc ensures health immune system. Zinc deficiency can also cause acne. Apart from this, there are many symptoms of gin deficiency, such as weak brain, hair loss, loss of appetite, slow healing of wounds and frequent diarrhea.


Remedies to overcome zinc deficiency

1. If there is a deficiency of zinc in the body, then definitely include peanuts in the diet. Peanuts also contain iron, folic acid,potassium, vitamin E, magnesium and fiber. Which can remove zinc deficiency soon

2. Consumption of sesame removes zinc deficiency, it is rich in folic acid along with zinc protein calcium carbohydrate and B complex. Which helps in keeping (2) the body healthy.

3. Garlic is the best source to overcome zinc deficiency. Only by the consumption of garlic, the body can fulfill the deficiency of elements like Vitamin A, B and C, Iodine, Iron, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium.

4. Egg yolk is the best option to overcome zinc deficiency. Zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B12, thiamine, vitamin B6 and folate acid found in it remove zinc deficiency in the body.

5. A good amount of zinc is found in watermelon seeds, its consumption also strengthens immunity. Also, blood sugar is also controlled. Apart from this, zinc is also found in abundance in mushrooms, calcium potassium phosphorus and many essential elements are also found in it. Which remove zinc deficiency.

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