Many people fail to reach their weight loss goals because they have set too many goals If you set small goals for example if you aim to lose only one pound to one and a half pounds per month you can easily lose up to 12-15 pounds in a year Aiming to lose a lot of weight in one go can also harm the body.


What diseases can be caused by obesity?

Obesity not only fills a person's life with despair but it can also give rise to many serious diseases This puts them at risk of serious diseases like diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, stroke and cancer.

In which case of obesity should a doctor be consulted?

If your body weight has increased and because of this you are facing minor problems then it is common If obesity causes pain in your ankles or joints or you are not able to do your normal routine properly then you can get a solution to this problem by consulting a doctor.

Strength training for weight loss

Make time for your meals and try to eat lunch and dinner at the same time.

Never skip breakfast.  Make sure you have healthy snacks between lunch and dinner.

Avoid eating late at night and keep a gap of at least two hours between eating and sleeping.

Do not take weight loss medicines without the advice of a qualified doctor Otherwise may have the opposite effect.

Best ways to lose weight

1. Cinnamon - Boil 3-6 grams of cinnamon powder in about 200 ml of water for 15 minutes Sieve it when it is hot and add a spoonful of honey to it Drink empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed in the evening Cinnamon is a powerful antibacterial, which helps get rid of harmful bacteria

2. Ginger - Use ginger and honey to lose weight Drink ginger juice mixed with two spoons of honey Ginger and honey work to burn excess fat by increasing the metabolic function of the body Ginger also removes the problem of excessive hunger and improves digestion This remedy should be done in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before sleeping.

3. Lemon - Lemon and honey should be used for weight loss and half a lemon, a tablespoon of honey and a pinch of black pepper should be taken in a glass of water Black pepper contains piperine It does not allow the accumulation of new fat cells in the body The ascorbic acid present in lemon loosens the soil Helps flush out toxins present in the body

4. Apple Cider Vinegar - Consumption of apple cider vinegar is also helpful in reducing obesity, mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of water The peptide fiber present in them makes the stomach feel full for a long time Helps in reducing

5. Cabbage - Use more and more cabbage in your food It can be boiled or used as a salad The tartaric acid present in it does not allow the carbohydrate present in the body to be converted into fat So it helps in reducing weight.

6. Ashwagandha - Make a paste by taking two leaves of Ashwagandha Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach with warm water.  Ashwagandha helps in obesity caused due to stress During stress a hormone called cortisol is produced in excess Due to this there is more hunger According to research Ashwagandha reduces the level of cortisol in the body.

7. Cardamom - Eating two cardamoms before sleeping and drinking warm water helps in reducing weight Cardamom reduces the fat stored in the stomach and also controls the level of cortisol The potassium, magnesium, vitamin B1, B6 and vitamin C present in it keep the body healthy and reduce weight.  Cardamom with its properties removes excess water stored in the body in the form of urine.

8. Fennel - To reduce obesity, take fennel, boil 8-10 fennel in a cup of water for five minutes.  Filter it and drink it hot in the morning on an empty stomach This will remove the problem of excessive hunger and will also reduce the desire to eat.

9. Triphala - Dip one spoon Triphala powder in 200 ml water in water at night Boil till it becomes half in the morning When it becomes hot, add two spoons of honey and drink it You will definitely lose weight in a few days.  Triphala eliminates the toxins present in the body.

10. Mint - To get rid of obesity, use mint, mix a few drops of mint leaves juice in hot water Then drink it half an hour after eating It aids in digestion and aids in weight loss by increasing metabolism It can be used for a long time.

11. Turmeric - Vitamin B, C, potassium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, alpha-line loic acid and fiber are found in abundance in turmeric It boosts the body's immunity and helps in reducing excess fat

12. Cumin - Cumin, coriander and carom seeds are very useful for reducing weight and drinking tea of ​​a mixture of cumin, coriander, carom seeds and fennel helps in reducing weight very fast You can also drink it after eating it by boiling it in water Drink black tea made from basil, lemon, ginger without milk.  Always use lukewarm water.

13. Amla - Amla is beneficial in weight loss, Vitamin C is found in abundance in it, which is an excellent antioxidant Helps to remove toxins from the body It also helps in increasing metabolism and burning calories Increase the body's immunity.

what to eat for weight loss

To get rid of obesity, your diet should be like this

Eat these fruits

Gastrointestinal foods like ginger, papaya, bitter gourd, cumin, mustard, fennel, carom seeds, black pepper, dry ginger, pippali, thigh, spinach, amaranth etc. Leafy vegetables, pumpkin, luffa, parwal, beans, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, carrot  Beetroot, apple etc. should be consumed Barley, millet, ragi, moong dal, lentils, amla, lemon, honey, turmeric, aloe vera juice, amla juice, green tea, boiled sprouted grains etc. should also be consumed.

Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables

Local and seasonally grown fruits and vegetables should be consumed according to their nature, such as warm-effect foods in cold places and cold climates, and cold-effect foods in warm places and climates.

Low fat milk helps in weight loss

Use skim milk as it is low in calories due to low fat content while calcium is high and this extra calcium helps in reducing weight.

Light food weight loss

The morning meal should be heavy, the lunch should be light and the dinner should be light, that is, at least in the night light and easily digestible food should be taken.

Food should be taken at least 2 hours before sleeping at night Similarly, if possible, it should be eaten before sunset because after sunset the gastric fire slows down and it becomes difficult to digest food One should not sleep during the day.

Eat only when you have a good appetit

The next meal should be taken only when the food is digested and there is a strong hunger Meals should be taken on time and should be eaten less than what you feel hungry. Food should be chewed thoroughly This is a great way to lose weight.

Your lifestyle to reduce obesity

1. To get rid of obesity, your lifestyle should be like this

2. Get up in the morning, walk and exercise.

3. ood should be taken two hours before bedtime.

4. inner should be light and easily digestible.

5. at a balanced, low-fat diet.

6. nclude nutrients in your diet for weight loss.

7. nstead of overeating at one go, you should eat light and digestible food in no time.

8. Your diet should include green vegetables, fruits, yogurt, buttermilk, peeled beans and nuts.

9. nce a week, fasting should be done by consuming fruit juices and hot water.

10. Never skip meals to lose weight.  Instead, eat a balanced diet and exercise.  Eating a balanced diet does not lead to weight gain and a person remains healthy.

11. Make sure you eat three meals a day.  If you skip any of the three meals, it will result in you overeating at the next meal and this will lead to weight gain.

12. The body needs energy to perform physical activities throughout the day, which is not possible without breakfast.

13. Walk 4-5 kilometers every morning, and after 10 minutes drink warm water after filling your stomach This method is the most effective among the home remedies for weight loss.