All Types Of Model Verbs In English

Modal Verbs in English


modal verb is an auxiliary verb that is used to express possibility, ability, permission, request, obligation, etc.

Two Types of Modal Verbs 

1. Principal Modals 

2. Semi-modals 

1. Principal Modals are the modal auxiliary verbs that have the following characteristics. 

1. They don't accept inflection–they don't end in s/es

2. They can't be used as infinitives like “*To can” or “*To shall”. They can't be used as participles like “*Canning” or “*Canned”. 

3. They use bare infinitives ( infinitives without “To”). Such as “Go” as in “I can go.” 

All Principal Modals

Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, May, Might, And Must. 

2. Semi-modals are the modal verbs that express some modality like Obligation, Habit, etc., But they don't possess all the features or characteristics that the principal modal verbs do. 

Semi-modals are as follows:

Need, Dare, Ought to, Used to, Have to, Had better, etc.

Uses of Principal Modal Verbs 

1. Uses of Can

(a) For possibility

Ex: It can rain today.

(b) For ability

Ex: I can speak French and English as well. (Learn more about french) 

(c) For offer 

Ex: Can I help you, my friend? 

(d) For request

Ex: Can you give me your pen please? 

(e) For permission

Ex: Can I go to the market with you? 

2. Uses of Could

(a) For ability in past 

Ex: I could speak English when I was a child. 

(b) For polite request

Ex: Could you give me your pen please? 

(c) For permission

Ex: Could I use your phone please? 

(d) For Possibility

Ex: He could go by car. 

3. Uses of Will 

(a) For promise

Ex:-I will go to your house tomorrow.

(b) For offer

Ex: I will give you the book you want. 

(c) For request

Ex: Will you please come here? 

(d) For order 

Ex: You will do as I say.

4. Uses of Would

(a) For polite question 

Ex: Would you please mind opening the door? 

(b) For possibility

Ex: The car would break down on the way.

(c) For wish 

Ex: I wish I would write a book. 

(d) For offer

Ex: Would you like some tea?

5. Uses of Shall 

(a) For advice

Ex: What shall I learn, German or English? (Learn more about German) 

(b) For suggestion 

Ex: Shall I go with her? 

(c) For offer

Ex: Shall I carry your luggage?

6. Uses of Should

(a) For advice 

Ex: You should show him the right direction. 

(b) For suggestion

Ex: We should stop working now. We're getting late. 

(c) For possibility

Ex: There should be a good deal of audience in the auditorium, because Sabina, a renowned melodious singer, is singing today.

7. Uses of May 

(a) For possibility

Ex: It may rain today.

(b) For permission

Ex: You may go now. 

(c) For blessings

Ex: May God bless you and your family members. 

8. Uses of Might

(a) For possibility

Ex: I might go tomorrow.

(b) For permission (Polite Question) 

Ex: Might I ask you a question? 

(c) For Request (Formal) 

Ex: Might I get something to eat here? 

9. Uses of Must

(a) For obligation

Ex: She must do it. 

(b) For Strict recommendation 

Ex: You must watch that movie.

(c) For prohibition

Ex: You mustn't do that.

Uses of Semi-modal Verbs

1. Use of Need not 

Meaning: Not necessary

Ex: You need not go. 

Ex: He need not do that. 

Note:-  Do not confuse the above-mentioned semi-modal with “Need to”. ‘Need’ in “He needs to go.” is an ordinary verb and can use s-inflection after it. 

2. Use of Dare 

Meaning: For challenge

Ex: Dare he fight with me? 

Ex: He dare not fight with me. 

Note:- ‘Dare’ in “He dares to fight with me.” is an ordinary verb and can use s-inflection after it. 

3. Use of Ought to 

Meaning: It's ideal to do something 

Ex: You ought to take a bath everyday. (It's ideal that you take a bath everyday.) 

4. Use of Used to 

Meaning: something that happened frequently in the past.

Ex I used to learn Spanish when I was a child.

5. Use of Have to 

Meaning: For obligation 

Ex: I have to go to the market. 

6. Use of Had better

Meaning:- For strong advice

Ex: You had better go now. (You're strongly advised to go now, otherwise something bad will happen.)