Essay on My Favourite book

How to Describe My Favourite Book in English? 

The saying, “Books are our good friends.” is very true. Books always take our side. 

books are a source of an endless amount of knowledge and information. It is an astonishing fact that we communicate with the dead authors of the books we read. They teach us and we learn, shoot questions at us and we answer, and entertain us and we are pleased with the entertainment.  

It is books which make a person a philosopher, a doctor, an engineer, etc.  

Reading books strengthens our brains, reduces our stress, improves our concentration, ameliorates our communication and  maximises our knowledge. 

That's why my parents and teachers have always encouraged me to read books. Though I'm not a bookworm, yet I've gone through hundreds of books. Of all, the book which instantly drew my attention is “Word Power Made Easy” written by Norman Lewis. This book deals with English vocabularies. This book  is not so easy as ABC. It can be used by the learners who have a very good command of the English language. 

The author of the book has an amazing method of teaching vocabularies. He has a unique way of ingraining words into our long-term memory.   

He first uses an etymological approach to introduce a word. Then, he asks the readers to pronounce the words. And then, he examines your understanding of the words by asking several questions regarding the words.

Words to Learn

1. Endless →Something that has no end. 

Synonym →Countless 

Antonym →Few 

2. Astonishing →Something that surprises you. 

Synonym →Amazing 

Antonym →Ordinary 

3. To communicate →To speak with someone

Synonym →To chat 

Antonym →To be quiet

4. To entertain →To give someone enjoyment

Synonym →To amuse someone

Antonym →To bore 

5. Philosopher →A person who loves wisdom. “Philein” is to love and sophos is wisdom. 

Synonym →Thinker 

6. To strengthen →To make something stronger

Synonym →To harden 

Antonym →To weaken 

7. To reduce →To make something less 

Synonym →To decrease

Antonym →To increase

8. To ameliorate →To make something better 

Synonym →To improve 

Antonym →To worsen 

9. Concentration →Focus 

Synonym →Attention

10. To maximise →To make something greater 

Synonym →To increase

Antonym →To minimise 

11. To encourage →To ask someone to do something 

Synonym →To persuade

Antonym →To discourage 

12. To ingrain →To fix something 

Synonym →To instil something into someone's mind 

Antonym →To uproot something

13. To examine →To Look into something

Synonym →To check out

Antonym →To overlook

Idioms and Phrases to Learn 

1. Books are our good/best friends →They are our friends because they motivate us to do great things in our lives. They give us knowledge. 

2. To shoot questions at someone →To ask someone questions

3. Is/Am/Are pleased with →To be happy

4. To be a bookworm →To be a person who keeps on reading and enjoys it

5. To go through some book →To read some book

6. To draw someone's attention →To cause someone to focus on something

7. To deal with something/some subject →To be about the subject 

8. To be as easy as ABC →To be very easy 

9. To have a very good command of some subject →To know very much about the subject

10. To use an etymological approach →To make people understand words through telling them the roots of the words

Exercise 1 

Can you recall the synonyms of the following words? 

1. To communicate

2. To maximise 

3. To entertain

4. To ameliorate 

5. To reduce

Answer keys:- 

1. To chat with

2. To increase 

3. To amuse 

4. To improve

5. To lessen

Can you recall the antonyms of the following words? 

1. To examine

2. To ingrain 

3. To encourage

4. To increase 

5. To strengthen

Answer keys:- 

1. To neglect 

2. To uproot

3. To discourage

4. To decrease

5. To weaken

Do you understand the following phrases? 

1. To have a good command of some subject

2. To be as easy as ABC

3. To be a bookworm

Answer keys:- 

1. To know very much about some subject

2. To be very easy 

3. To be a person who loves reading and enjoys it